14 February 2018

The Month of Tuna Fish: Part 1

Carmie loves tuna fish month
As Americans we always like to re-state the obvious in our vocabulary. For example, instead of bin, we have "wastepaper baskets or trashcans" and so forth. Which is why the following attempts are "tuna fish" recipes and not "tuna". Tuna = the whole fish or a fillet. Tuna fish = canned tuna. 

For me to attempt to perfect a tuna recipe would be very ambitious, thus is why February was deemed tuna fish month (and because the first week of the month we had barely anything in the kitchen pre- and post- travels) except miscellaneous canned/dry foods.

Week 1: Tuna fish salad
I searched online for some options and settled on one I found on All Recipes

1 210g can of tuna (drained, obvi)
6 tbsp of mayo 
1 tbsp of Parmesan 
3 tbsp sweet pickle relish 
1/8 tsp dried chopped onion flakes 
1/4 tsp curry powder
1 tbsp dried parsley
1 tsp dried dill weed
1 pinch of garlic powder 

Substituted:                                                                     Omitted:        Added:                        Served with:
Chopped jalapeños for sweet pickle relish                      Garlic            Chopped tomatoes     Rotis and white wine
Cheddar for Parmesan (it was what was in the fridge)

So, pretty much you just mix these - quick and easy is always my style. I don't think that my substitutions of jalapeños or cheddar radically affected the taste. I started with less mayo (6 tbsp just seemed excessive), but ended up including it all just to get rid of the taste of dill. Don't get me wrong, I like dill, but alongside the curry powder, it was not the best flavor combination. Despite my obsession for garlic, I ended up not using any at all (a. I didn't have any garlic powder - just fresh - and b. the flavor of the curry powder was so strong, I didn't think it needed garlic on top of that). 

Dinner is served.
Verdict: Meh, but edible - definitely needs improvement!

The first go-round was an act of desperation, but, I love tuna, so I'm determined to find a simple go-to recipe to whip up. I informed Curry Delight that tuna was on the menu tonight, so stay tuned to see what he thinks!

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